Have you ever sat down to analyze the kind of man you want to say YES to? It's not enough to pray "Oh Lord, give me a husband". In this present age, I'll say there are many kinds of husbands and one needs to be careful when making a choice. The question you should ask yourself is, what kind of husband do I want to marry? I hear pathetic stories and I wonder if some husbands have an iota of human feelings in them. Then I say to myself, " people can only express who they truly are, not who they are not". That's why a thief steals and a murder kills, because its just in their person to do so. They are just living out who they are. I know some ladies will jump at saying "he must be cool, calm and collected, he must be rich and established". While those are cool stuff, they are not the major. When you focus on the minor and abrogate the major, you lessen your potential of achieving more. So ladies, back to the subject matte...