The day my daughter Sophia was born, I felt this indelible joy that made my cry uncontrollably. The kind of joy that cannot be compared to having any material possession.

Nothing, I mean absolutely nothing can be compared to that "feeling".
I remember the nurse saying " madam, why you dey cry when you don born finish"(why are you crying when you've finished giving birth).
I believe all mothers can relate to this.

As the nurse asked me to identify the sex of my baby, I heard her tiny soprano voice, her cry was like melody in my ears.
When I held her in my hands, I felt like the whole world has been handed over to me to utilize, she looked so innocent and pretty.

"I will put my life at stake than see anything HURT my baby", I thought to myself.
Fast forward to her first immunization as a Nigerian - BCG (Bacillus Calmette–GuĂ©rin vaccine is a vaccine primarily used against tuberculosis).

My princess Sophia was extremely tender at 3days old when we went back to the hospital for her first shot.
When it was her turn, I began to feel terrified.
 I had no choice than to undress her for the injection.

The fear of the needle piercing into my little baby's body was enough to send me to early demise.
"Let me take the pain in her place", but that was not possible. I could not stand the cry that was melodic at birth.
 I could not control my tears too as though I was also injected.
I felt the pain through her voice. Oh why nurse, why and she said " IT'S FOR HER GOOD".
Really!! Did you just say that?

Listen friends, that pain you are going through is "for your good".
Just as the pain of BCG injection immunized Sophia from tuberculosis, your pain is definitely immunizing you from unforeseen tragedy and fortifying you for the future.

Pain is the breaking of the shell that houses your success.
It's not bad to cry when you feel pain but remember "PAIN IS TEMPORARY".
It may last for a minute, an hour, days or even years but trust me it will bring GAIN if you just endure.

The pain of exercising is excruciating but a lasting result is in the endurance.
The decision to invest money in productive means might be PAINFUL because you can not have fun like others.
Sitting down to study at the expense of gaming around might be PAINFUL, I know quite well.
It may be PAINFUL to be called a loner because you've refused to mingle with every TOM DICK AND HARRY, I can relate with this.

I know it's PAINFUL to be the only one doing the house chores, believe me I know.
It's PAINFUL to wake up at the sound of the alarm, when you've barely had enough sleep, I've been there.
The list goes on.
No matter the situation that you belong never forget this "the pain you feel today will fuel your strength for tomorrow"...so do not give up.

I laugh at people who run away from pain and keep postponing it.
With this in mind, instead of allowing my little princess suffer the pain of a disease outbreak, I will let her take the pain of an immunization.

So at each immunization appointment I get prepared and encourage her to brace up and face the pain.
Though I still feel the pain of seeing her cry but I rather feel that pain now than go through the trauma of any illness.

If your ability to endure pain is not tested and trusted, God will not commit greatness into your hands.
So are you going to take the PAIN today or DELAY it for tomorrow.
The choice is yours.

With Love
Idongesit Adegoke


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